Non-Sun Bleached vs Sun Bleached Sea moss

The first time I heard these terms I was shocked due to the obvious word 'bleached'. My mind skipped past 'sun' and begun researching furiously only to discover a natural process that you can witness by simply leaving a blackberry exposed to the sun on a sunny day and watch what happens. 


Sea Moss can come in a variety of colour, purple, brown, green but generally the purple is the most soughtafter. When purple sea moss is left to dry in the sun, it loses its pigmentation and turns gold. I tried this with some purple sea moss on a sunny and begun to lose its colour. 

The following difference in the consistency between the sun bleached (gold) Caribbean sea moss and Irish sea moss was noticed. Due to yearly sun, the sun bleached Caribbean sea moss is always pure gold. However, sometimes the sun bleached Irish sea moss comes pure gold or sometimes it's a variety of gold, purple and a kind of in-between colour. Possibly due to the seasonal changes in weather. (This is pure speculation from observations) 

Anthocyanins are antioxidants which give sea moss, blueberries, blackberries etc their dark hue. When sea moss loses its pigmentation turning gold, it is believed that it loses anthocyanin content. The purple aka non-sun bleached variety is championed as the most nutrient dense. Regardless, the gold is still widely preferred by many and said to be very effective.