Gracilaria (Caribbean) Sea Moss Benefits

Gracilaria is loaded with multiple nutrients that has many health benefits, some of which are listed below.


Inflammation, Phlegm & Mucus Benefits: Due to its potassium chloride content, sea moss is great for helping clear the body of phlegm and mucus. In the winter season, this is beneficial for preventing and speeding up the recovery from cold and flu symptoms. This also soothes inflammation in the body. Based on Dr Sebi's analysis of the cause of illness and states of dis-ease, mucus is a leading cause. Wherever there is dis-ease in the body, you find mucus. Remove the mucus and abstain from consuming foods that encourage mucus production (primarily blood and starch foods).


Fibre Rich: It has multiple fibres that are key for improving digestion and the removal of waste from the body. Many people report a notable increase in bowel movement, sometimes the very day they start consuming sea moss. Waste removal is key as the build up of waste in the body can lead to potential states of dis-ease and ailments. Sickness begins in the gut and a healthy waste removal system supports a healthy gut and lower chances of sickness.


Boosts Metabolism: Nutrient rich and quite dense as a gel, sea moss gel is quite filling and satisfies the appetite. It boosts the metabolic activity in the body. This involves processing vital nutrients from foods plus toxins and waste for removal. Due to this aspect, it’s a great support for weight loss. The increase breakdown of fats and, more importantly, the increase of waste removal will lead to a healthy decrease in weight. Many people notice how much flatter their belly gets even after a 24 fast, which is largely due to the removal of waste. Even slim people carry unprocessed waste in their colon, which is way occasionally fasting plus having foods like sea moss that encourage bowel movement are key for maintaining a healthy and aesthetically appealing abdomen.


Iodine Rich: Like most sea vegetables, sea moss is iodine rich. Iodine is vital for the thyroid gland to function normally. This gland produces hormones that are essential for all cells in our bodies to function normally. These hormones regulate our metabolism; which is key for maintaining a healthy body weight, good digestion and waste removal, growth and development plus much more. People with thyroid complications should consult a health professional when consuming iodine rich foods. Though not all of them but some had experience further complications with their thyroid gland. This is just a personal opinion but I believe this is due to the methods that are commonly used to deal with thyroid over and under activity. In regards to 'medicine', for over activity (hyperthyroidism), drugs are given to suppress the thyroid producing hormones, beta blockers are also commonly given to counteract the effects of these thyroid suppressing foreign agents. It has also been reported that this suppress has lead to the thyroid becoming inactive and being given synthesised version of the hormones the thyroid glands produce. This is the same allopathic remedy for underactive thyroids (hypothyroidism). Introducing natural sources of iodine to an already stressed thyroid has to be done with conscious care, which will allow you to transition from synthetic drugs to natural foods and herbal remedies.


Iron Rich: Iron is essential to be healthy, fit and strong. It is essential for the production and health of the blood, which itself plays a multifaceted role in our health. Generally not a guarantee but the regular production of healthy blood will improve all areas of the body. Iron rich foods and herbs are effective for dealing with anaemia and also useful for women's monthly cycle. Different women will lose different nutrients during their menstruation but iron will generally be one of the nutrients most if not all women lose during menstruation. Lastly, it is effective at increasing cognitive health and the absorption of nutrients.


Calcium Rich: Many people were indoctrinated through mass marketing to believe milk, animal's milk specifically, is the best source of calcium (check the blog on Animal Milk). There are so many plant sources of calcium on both land and sea. Sea moss is a great source of calcium. Calcium is vital for the production and maintenance of healthy, strong bones and teeth. Calcium is also needed for regulating the heart rate. A commonly unknown fact as calcium is typically champion solely for its skeletal benefits.


High In Antioxidants: Boosts immune system and prevents cell damage. Antioxidants reduce and prevent the effects of oxidative stress on our body on a cellular level. When our cells process foods and interacts with the environment, it produces a waste product called free radicals. If the body cannot process and remove free radicals from the body, oxidative stress can occur, which harms the cells and interferes with body function. The purple sea moss is believed to have a higher amount of antioxidant content. Anthocyanin is an antioxidant that gives certain foods such as cherries, black grapes and purple sea moss its dark pigmentation. When it loses this pigmentation and changes colour, it is believed to lose some of its anthocyanin properties. This does not take away from how potent the gold sea moss is.


(There are many more potential benefits not listed above)

These statements have not been evaluated by the MHRA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease