Chondrus Crispus (Irish Sea Moss) Benefits

Chondrus crispus has a plethora of benefits due to the vast amount of nutrients it contains.

Iodine Rich: Like most sea vegetables, sea moss is iodine rich. Iodine is vital for the thyroid gland to function normally. This gland produces hormones that are essential for all cells in our bodies to function normally. These hormones regulate our metabolism; which is key for maintaining a healthy body weight, good digestion and waste removal, growth and development and much more.

Iron Rich: Iron is essential to be healthy, fit and strong. It is essential for the production and health of the blood, which itself plays a multifaceted role in our health. Potentially, the regular production of healthy blood will improve all areas of the body. Iron is effective for anemia and also useful for women's monthly cycle. Lastly, it is effective at increasing cognitive health and the absorption of nutrients.

Calcium Rich: Many people were indoctrinated through mass marketing to believe milk, animal's milk specifically, was the best source of calcium (check the blog on Animal Milk). There are so many plant sources of calcium on both land and sea. Irish moss is a great source of calcium. Calcium is vital for the production and maintainance of healthy, strong bones and teeth. Calcium is also needed for regulating the heart rate. Essential for strong bones, teeth and regulating your heart rate.

Potassium Chloride Rich: Sea moss regardless of the type, is known for its effectiveness at clearing the body of mucus and phelgm. This is due to the potassium chloride content, which also helps in soothing inflammation.

High In Antioxidants: These aid in boosting the immune system and preventing cell damage. Oxidation can damage the cells and antioxidants help to prevent and/or reduce the effects of this on the body. The purple sea moss is believed to have a higher amount of antioxidant content as the antioxidant ‘anthocyanins’ give sea moss and other foods such as blueberries and cherries their dark hue.

Improves Metabolism: We have been miseducated to eat until we are full rather than fuelled. Irish moss is so nutrient rich that many people report feeling energised and not feeling as hungry. This potentially aids with weight loss as your appetite will be satisfied and empower you to exercise more control over your eating habits. Also, assuming you are physically able and desiring to lose weight, due to the increased energy, you'll be able to workout harder, improving your overall physical health.


Aids Digestion: Due to the multiple fibres and live bacteria it contains, chondrus crispus boosts digestion as these are beneficial for your gut health. Bowel movements will increase, which increase waste removal and the health of your gut. 

(There are many more potential benefits not listed above)

*These statements have not been evaluated by the MHRA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease